Photo by Sarah Harding
After discovering romance novels quite by accident, Marilyn revived an interest in writing. Since 2006 she's had over 40 short stories published in the confessions and romance magazines, and in 2013 she sold her first book. She is an active member of her local writing group, Heart of Dixie Fiction Writers.
In addition to reading and writing, Marilyn loves watching TV crime dramas, cooking for one and gardening in a few pots on her patio. Her motto is “Have passport, will travel,” and she is always ready to add another location to the list of 32 states and 21 foreign countries she has visited.
A native of North Carolina, Marilyn arrived in Huntsville, Alabama by way of Frankfurt, Germany. She has lived in Alabama longer than anywhere else and calls it home. She raised two great sons and now loves to dote on her two terrific granddaughters and new grandson, a task made easier by her retirement from the day job.
You can find Marilyn on Facebook.
Marilyn’s writing career began with a short story titled “Death & Taxes” in True Confessions magazine. Since then she’s sold 44 more stories to the confessions and romance magazines.
Marilyn didn’t read a romance novel until 2001. Once she read the first one, she never stopped.
Marilyn sold her first book by way of a contest where the title had to be a song title. She is thankful to Kenny Chesney for his song “Better as a Memory.”
Marilyn got bombed in New York City in March, 1970. No, not with alcohol, but a pipe bomb. On March 22, 1970, she was with a group from her university at the Electric Circus, a popular Greenwich Village disco, when the bomb was planted and exploded. She has a small scar on her left leg as a reminder.
Ziplining is still on her bucket list of fun things to do.